ACS Dance Consortium (Project – Summer, 2019 to Summer, 2020)
ACS Global Learning Abroad Module (Project – Fall 2018 to Spring 2020)
ACS Teaching and Learning Workshop (Workshop – Summer, 2022)
ACS Teaching Research Community (Project – August, 2022 to August, 2023)
Adapting Pandemic Pedagogies in the Performing and Collaborative Arts.
(Working Group – Summer, 2020)
Africana Music Experiential Pedagogy (AMEP). (Project – Spring and Fall, 2019)
Best Practices for Forming and Sustaining Faculty Support Cooperatives.
(Working Group – Summer, 2022)
Campus Space and Rhetorics of Race (Project – Fall, 2017 to Winter, 2018)
Chocolate Covered Teaching. (Workshop – June, 2023)
Choral, Instrumental, and Vocal Pedagogy. (Working Group – Summer, 2020)
Community-Engaged Teaching: A Collaborative Peer Learning Model
(Project – Summer, 2021 to Summer, 2022)
Courageous Community Conversations (Working Group – Summer, 2024)
Cultures of the Ancient Mediterranean. (Project – Spring, 2018 to Fall, 2019)
“Decolonizing” the Curriculum: Tensions, Trends and Tools
(Working Group – Summer, 2021)
Diversity Includes Disability. (Working Group – Summer, 2022)
Efficacy of Authentic Assessments Project (Project – October, 2021 to September, 2022)
Engaging (Outside) Communities in the Remote Classroom.
(Working Group – Summer, 2020)
Enhancing the First-Year Experience. (Working Group – Summer, 2021)
Faculty of Color Uniting for Success (FOCUS) (Project – Spring 2018 to Summer, 2020)
Fostering a Sense of Belonging in the Classroom (Working Group – Summer, 2021)
Inclusive Assessment Practices for Flexibility, Rigor, and Equity.
(Working Group – Summer, 2022)
Inclusive Pedagogy for Library Instruction. (Project – Summer, 2018 to January, 2019)
Increasing Diversity in the Stem Pipeline (Project – Summer 2017 to Summer 2018)
Leveraging Digital Pedagogies to Energize Learning. (Working Group – Summer, 2021)
Listening with Purpose. (Working Group – Summer, 2023)
Microaggressions and Microaffirmations (Project – Spring, 2018 – Winter, 2019)
Online Undergraduate Cell Biology Lab Working Group.
(Working Group – Summer, 2020)
Participatory History and Archiving (Project – Summer, 2021 to Summer, 2022)
Pathways to Diversity: Curating our Collection (Project – January, 2019 to January, 2020)
Pathways to Diversity: Extending Our Reach (Workshop – Summer, 2023)
Pathways to Diversity: Uncovering our Collections (Project – Fall 2018)
A Post-COVID Look at Study Abroad: Sustainability and Global Experience
(Working Group – Summer, 2021)
Pre-Chemistry Tutorial System (Project- Fall and Winter of 2019)
Preparing Department/Program Chairs. (Working Group – Summer, 2021)
Rethinking Advising for Non-traditional Students. (Working Group – Summer, 2021)
Road Scars: Roadside Car Crash Shrines and Cultural Trauma (Virtual Convocation –
Oct 6, 2020)
Science, Society and the Archives (Project – Spring 2019)
Spark of Learning (Reading Group – Summer, 2024)
Strengthening the Arts and Humanities across ACS Schools.
(Working Group – Summer, 2023)
Studies of Slavery and Its Legacies (Project – Fall, 2018 to Winter, 2019)
Supporting Diversity and Inclusion in Mathematics and STEM Disciplines
(Project – Fall, 2018 to Fall, 2019)
Syllabus Design: Crafting More Inclusive Learning-centered Syllabi.
(Workshop – August 4, 2021)
Synergies of Team Teaching. (Working Group – Summer, 2023)
Teach Students How to Learn (Reading Group – Summer, 2024)
Teaching Climate Change: Science, Stories, Justice (Reading Group – Summer, 2024)
Teaching Social Justice in Mathematics (Project – January, 2019 to January, 2020)
Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Routes and Resources. (Workshop – Summer, 2022)
Vulnerable People(s) and COVID-19. (Working Group – Summer, 2020)
Women’s Leadership Development (Working Group – Summer, 2024)
Writing Accountability Group. (Working Group – Summer, 2023)
Writing Accountability Group. (Working Group – Summer, 2022)
Writing Accountability Groups. (Working Group – Summer, 2021)
Writing With Pleasure. Author: Helen Sword (Reading Group – Summer, 2023)
Working Group: Courageous Community Conversations
Summer, 2024
Ron Swain (Facilitator) (Southwestern), Anene Ejikeme (Trinity), Lavinia Roberts (Hendrix) and Alex Serna-Wallender (Trinity)
Setting the Stage for Inclusivity: A Scenarios Workshop for Faculty of All Academic Disciplines and Career Levels
Summer, 2024
Leslie Wingard Cunningham (facilitator) (WLU), Patricia Herrera (Richmond), Wilson Terrell, Jr. (Trinity) and Maha Zewail-Foote (Southwestern)
Reading Group: Spark of Learning. Author: Sarah Rose Cavanagh
Summer, 2024
Cinnamon Stetler (Facilitator) (Furman), Richie Trentheim (Rhodes), Laura Chinchilla (Centre), McAllister Stephens (Centre), Anastasia Chaky (Sewanee), Mistie Watkins (Rollins), Daniel Ashley (Spelman), Molly Mata (Trinity) and Meghan Slining (Furman)
Reading Group: Teach Students How to Learn
Authors: Saundra Yancy McGuire with Stephanie McGuire
Summer, 2024
Dr. Jean Schwab (Facilitator) (Furman University) and Dr. Kelsey Harp (Facilitator) (Furman University), Layne Porta (Rollins), Phan Truong (Hendrix), Jason Surian (Rollins), Deborah Skok (Hendrix) and Anne Carlson (Spelman)
Reading Group: Teaching Climate Change: Science, Stories, Justice
Authors: Vandana Singh
Summer, 2024
Kylie Korsnack (Facilitator) (University of Richmond), Nancy Chick (Rollins College), Mary Finley-Brook (University of Richmond), Eva Marie Cadavid (Centre College), Daniel Hart (University of Richmond), Elizabeth Outka (University of Richmond), Elizabeth Pettinaroli (Rhodes College), Steph Spera (University of Richmond), Mike Winiski (Furman University) and Kitty Maynard (University of Richmond).
Working Group: Women’s Leadership Development
Summer, 2024
Dr. Rashna Richards (Facilitator) (Rhodes College), Dayo Abah (Washington and Lee), Kerry Bechtel (Southwestern), Linda Boland (Richmond), Genelle Gertz (Washington and Lee), Melody Lehn (Sewanee), Elizabeth Thomas (Rhodes) and Gabby Vidal-Torreira (Hendrix)
Workshop: Applying Adaptive and Interactive Learning Practices in Undergraduate Statistics Courses
Summer, 2023
Denny Garvis (Facilitator) (WLU), Zoila Ponce de Leon (Facilitator) (WLU) and Lilla Orr (Richmond)
Instruction in undergraduate Statistics courses has consistently emphasized the recommendation that students “learn statistics by doing statistics.” Consistent with this practical advice, substantial empirical evidence from the learning science literature supports the application of adaptive and interactive learning pedagogies as specific recommendations for undergraduate Statistics courses. One primary emphasis in this 2023 ACS Workshop will be introducing and demonstrating the adaptive learning processes embedded in the Statistics courseware materials created and supported by the Open Learning Initiative (OLI), a flagship project of the Simon Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University. Another Workshop focus will be on interactive projects and assignments for which timely and substantial instructional feedback is provided to student learners. Both new and experienced Statistics instructors could find beneficial pedagogical solutions and impactful course improvements by adopting these practices for their courses. Potential takeaways from this Workshop include new teaching plans, lab activities, projects, or course discussion materials.
Reading Group: Being Human in STEM: Partnering with Students to Shape Inclusive Practices and Communities.
Summer, 2023
Kristen Cecala (Facilitator) (Sewanee), Kate Cammack (Facilitator) (Sewanee), Courtney Hatch (Hendrix), January Haile (Centre), Kristen Fulfer (Centre), Jennifer Muzyka (Centre), Barbara Lom (Davidson) and Kimberly Brien (Rhodes)
The Being Human in STEM (HSTEM) Initiative aims to “empower students, staff and faculty to reshape their classrooms, labs and departments to create an inclusive and equitable STEM community that enables humans of all identities to thrive and flourish.” The 2023 book “Being Human in STEM: Partnering with Students to Shape Inclusive Practices and Communities” provides valuable frameworks and models for students, faculty and staff to understand, navigate, and advocate for diverse identities in STEM classrooms, labs, and co-curricular spaces. Our reading group will use this book as a framework to ideate, foster collaborations, and develop tangible approaches that promote inclusion, belonging, self-efficacy, and science identity at our respective institutions.
Workshop: Bullying in the Academic Workplace: What is Looks Like, Why It’s More Harmful Than You Think, and What You Can Do to Combat It
Summer, 2023
Jana Mathews (Facilitator) (Rollins), Mattea Garcia (Rollins) and Kerry Bechtel (Southwestern)
The unique attributes of the academic workplace—decentralized labor; clearly defined hierarchies; low faculty and staff turnover rates, and lack of managerial training for individuals occupying leadership roles—not only can breed tolerance of negative behavior patterns through the creation and promotion of exculpatory narratives (“i.e. that’s just the way [John/Jane] is”), but also serves as a powerful deterrent to direct confrontation: while speaking up may solve the problem, it also has the distinct potential of making things worse.
This workshop focuses on behaviors that lie outside the jurisdiction of current anti-discrimination laws in order to
1) educate participants on how bullying frequently manifests in academic departments and within their broader institutional settings
2) devise specific and concrete strategies for combating bullying behaviors from the perspectives of the victim, bystander, and supervisor/chair
3) create a personalized flow chart that links various behaviors with the person or office that is equipped to address them (hint: the answer usually isn’t HR).
Workshop: Chocolate Covered Teaching.
June, 2023
Romi Burks (Facilitator) (Southwestern) and Corey Toyota (Millsaps)
Working Group: Embracing the Prospects and Addressing the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Represented by ChatGPT for the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages
Summer, 2023
Zhengbin “Richard” Lu (Facilitator) (Spelman), Gustavo Segura (Spelman), Pilar Valencia (Spelman), Rosalba Esparragoza (Davidson), Noella Cigarroa-Cooke (Southwestern) and Yanbing Tan (Sewanee)
The 2023 ACS Summer Working Group comprises six members from four ACS institutions. The group’s primary focus is on “Embracing the Prospects and Addressing the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Represented by ChatGPT.” Their objective is to investigate the integration of ChatGPT in foreign language teaching and learning, as well as the potential impact of AI, specifically ChatGPT, on the field of second language education. Additionally, they aim to provide recommendations to practitioners in preparing for the forthcoming challenges. The group intends to disseminate their experiences and findings among colleagues from ACS institutions.
- Embracing the Prospects Final Report
- Embracing the Prospects Resource Links
- Embracing the Prospects Bibliography
Working Group: Listening with Purpose
Summer, 2023
Elyzabeth Wilder (Facilitator) (Sewanee), Jen Goff (Centre), Stacy DeZutter (Millsaps) and Lavinia Roberts (Hendrix)
Successful improvisation depends on agreement, collaboration, and mindful listening. In this playful and highly interactive workshop participants will engage in a variety of exercises that focus on active listening. In improv, actors must be present and in-the-moment, ready to both give and receive openly and organically.
Participants will learn the rules of improv before engaging in three improv exercises that focus specifically on active listening and working collaboratively. We will close the workshop with an open dialogue about the practical applications of the form and how it aids in collaboration, agreement, and mindful listening, as well as how these skills translate to the classroom and professional life.
Reading Group: Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities.
Author: Martha Nussbaum
Summer, 2023
David Wood (Facilitator) (Millsaps), Margo Kolenda-Mason (Hendrix), Liz Egan (Millsaps), Kathleen Wessel (Spelman), Gretchen Renshaw James (Hendrix), Sarah Brackman (Southwestern) and Howard Pickett (Washington and Lee)
The arts, humanities and basic sciences have played a crucial role in American colleges since their inception. But in their modern form since 1914, colleges and universities have become, in the words of Max Weber, “industrial enterprises” (Reitter 222). This turn toward operating as businesses has eroded the liberal arts’ historic role and mission. The required general education component where these courses are now typically offered has been reduced to two or fewer years of required study while professionalization and specialization whose underlying ethos is capitalism have become dominant. Nussbaum’s Not for Profit does not deny the value of specialization or career development in a college curriculum but alerts us to a “silent crisis” as more students, encouraged by overly concerned parents, chose majors based on job prospects. Under this criteria, a student becomes a subject of the job market rather than subjected to a more noble and important aspiration — a citizen of democracy. Nussbaum’s argument for a renewed liberal arts curriculum draws upon the methods of classical pedagogists such as John Dewey and Rabindranath Tagore to create a “human developmental model” of education indispensable for democracy and a globally minded citizenry. A renewed liberal arts curriculum for Nussbaum encourages critical thinking, creativity and intelligent resistance that can serve not only future employees but responsible, sensitive and informed subjects in an enfeebled democracy.
Workshop: Pathways to Diversity: Extending Our Reach
Summer, 2023
Carrie Frey (Facilitator) (Centre College), Beth Morgan (Centre College), Mary Girard (Centre College), Amy Frederick (Centre College), Andrea Abrams (Centre College), Rachel Walton (Rollins College), Christy Allen (Furman University), and Claire Strom (Rollins College).
The stories shared are the narratives believed. This project invited library archivists and faculty of art, anthropology, history, political science, race and ethnic studies and more to learn the strategy, the tools, and the multi-media technique from librarians and faculty who have been doing this work at Centre College, Rollins College, Washington & Lee University, and Furman University since 2018.
Working Group: Strengthening the Arts and Humanities across ACS Schools
Summer, 2023
Genelle Gertz (Facilitator) (WLU) Leigh Lassiter-Counts (Hendrix), Aaron M. Carter-Enyi (Morehouse), Cory Wikan (Centenary), Amy Frederick (Centre), Sandi George Tracy (Rhodes), Kyle Gillette (Trinity), Kathleen Wessel (Spelman), Johann van Niekirk (Centre) and Carol Fache (Davidson)
With frequent headlines now hailing the death of the arts and humanities, colleges and universities are facing a challenging environment, especially with regard to attracting majors and sustaining curricular programs beyond STEM or business. Increasingly, students are more likely to choose a minor in English, Theater or French than they are to major in it, even at liberal arts colleges. This working group dedicated to Strengthening ACS schools’ Arts and Humanities programs brings together stakeholders within ACS institutions who will study and brainstorm solutions for addressing declines in Arts and Humanities majors and enrollments. By the end of four virtual sessions, the group will have identified a variety of problems and situations, collected preliminary data across institutions, familiarized itself with recent studies and practices designed to increase student involvement in the Arts and Humanities (which include standards for equitable success in the classroom along with development of content that reflects the diversity of the student body), and developed a shared set of tools and/or goals for handling the challenges faced by ACS schools.
Working Group: Synergies of Team Teaching
Summer, 2023
Genelle Gertz (Facilitator) (WLU), Rashna Wadia Richards (Facilitator) (Rhodes), Fay Guarraci (Southwestern), Valerie Renegar (Southwestern), Andrea Lepage (WLU) and Katie Shester (WLU)
This working group gathers faculty from ACS institutions who are interested in learning about best practices for team teaching. Participants will discuss models of team teaching as well as strategies for active learning and inclusive pedagogy. They will also have the opportunity to workshop syllabi with colleagues from ACS schools to create new or revised team-taught courses. While faculty work on syllabus design, a session will be held for administrators to discuss the complexities of offering team-taught courses, in which models would be developed for facilitation of curricular and workload obligations of team teaching even in instances of minimal resource allocation.
Reading Group: The Prepared Leader: Emerging from Any Crisis More Resilient than Before
Author: Erika H. James and Lynn Perry Wooten.
Summer, 2023
Alison Marr (Facilitator) (Southwestern), Della Dumbaugh (Facilitator) (Richmond), Carol Ann Downes (Hendrix), L. Bellee Jones-Pierce (Centenary), Alex McAllister (Centre), Heather Russell (University of Richmond), Leslie Templeton (Hendrix) and Christal Schoen (Centenary)
In the 2022-2023 academic year, institutions across the country (and globe, for that matter) returned to in-person classrooms, advising sessions, colloquia, department meetings, professional conferences, etc. The three previous years required faculty to change and transform their classroom and other professional practices as they responded to new and evolving developments in and out of the academy. The fatigue associated with these adjustments often led to a deficient—rather than an aspirational—mindset about our work, our institutions, and our students. Thus the time is right to consider leadership roles in this changing space in the academy. The 2023 ACS focus linking passion to motivation and purposeful work combines with The Prepared Leader to provide the perfect platform to explore a reframing of our perspectives. In particular, The Prepared Leader focuses on navigating crises as opportunities rather than strictly as risks. As we redefine our roles as faculty members, particularly as we lead students who came of age in the covid era, this book advances ideas that will equip us as we simultaneously navigate day-to-day moments and develop longer term strategies. This balance relies on knowing “when to stop, when to step away, and when to make the conscious and cognitive effort to see the bigger picture.” We aim for this Reading Group to explore these ideas together to rekindle and rediscover our passions, recognize and leverage our individual strengths born out of those passions, and prepare now to develop daily and long-term “systems, protocols, and resources” for the future. As an outcome of these discussions, we will create a “Reading Guide to The Prepared Leader” for colleagues to use for departmental and institutional reading groups.
Reading Group: Universities on Fire: Higher Education in the Climate Crises. Author: Bryan Alexander
Summer, 2023
Brandon Inabinet (Facilitator) (Furman), Jennifer Cavenaugh (Richmond), Terrie Johnson (Centenary), Marian Osborne Berky (Furman), Gustavo Coelho (Furman), Laura Bain (Furman) and Julie Johnson (Spelman)
The Universities on Fire reading group will look at Bryan Alexander’s book to consider how the ethical southern university responds to the climate crisis. Across multiple institutions and departments (COM, Education, Theatre, Sustainability, Religion), we are asking questions about how we make campus-wide decisions, as well as how we invest in our own students, research, and service. Being positioned in the south, we are additionally interested in how our universities are acting as catalysts and partners with rural, poor, and BIPOC populations.
June 20 – Introductions
July 20 – Chapter 1: Uprooting the Campus
August 28 – Chapter 2: Doing Research in the Anthropocene
Early September – Chapter 3: Teaching to the End of the World
Late September – Chapter 4: Town Gown & Chapter 5: The World
Early October – Chapter 6: Best and Worst Case & What Is to be Done
Late October – Concluding Session (Next Steps, no new reading)
Reading Group: Writing With Pleasure. Author: Helen Sword
Summer, 2023
Kylie Korsnack (Facilitator) (Richmond), Kitty Maynard (Facilitator) (Richmond), Diane Boyd (Furman), Nancy Chick (Rollins), Nisha Gupta (Centre), Nicole Maurantonio (Richmond), Katie Troyer (Trinity), Satty Echeverria (Centre), Eva Cadavid (Centre), Lavinia Roberts (Hendrix), Elizabeth Outka (Richmond) and Molly Brookfield (Sewanee)
Helen Sword’s recent Writing with Pleasure (2023, Princeton University Press) takes on a difficult task: “to recuperate pleasure as a legitimate, indeed crucial, writing-related emotion” (3). Based on interviews and stories collected from academics all over the world, Sword advocates for cultivating writing practices that engage writers across five dimensions: social, physical, aesthetic, creative and emotional (23). Using Sword’s text as our guide, this reading group brings together faculty and staff who support faculty development at ACS campuses to think together about how to help ourselves and our colleagues (re)discover motivation, passion, and confidence in writing and scholarship. For those of us who teach undergraduate writing courses, we may also discover new tools and strategies for helping our students find motivation and enjoyment in the writing process.
Working Group: Writing Accountability Group
Summer, 2023
Nancy Chick (Facilitator) (Rollins) with 35 participants
Project: ACS Teaching Research Community
August, 2022 to August, 2023
Shane Pitts (Project Lead) (BSC), Brian A. Eiler (Davidson) and Priyanka Chakraborty (Centenary)
Workshop: ACS Teaching and Learning
Summer, 2022
Kent Andersen (Facilitator) (BSC) and Kerry Paumi (Facilitator) (Centre)
- ACS Teaching and Learning Workshop Final Report
- ACS Teaching and Learning Workshop Schedule
- ACS Teaching and Learning Workshop Staff Manual and Handbook
Working Group: At the Trowel’s Edge: Reimagining Inclusivity and Diversity Within Our Archaeological Futures
Summer, 2022
Véronique Belisle (Millsaps), Robyn Cutright (Centre), Zackary Gilmore (Rollins), Kimberly Kasper (Rhodes College), Jennifer Mathews (Trinity), Nathan Meissner (Centre), Derek Miller (Richmond), Evan Parker (Millsaps), Camille Westmont (Sewanee) and Andrew Womack (Furman University)
Working Group: Best Practices for Forming and Sustaining Faculty Support Cooperatives
Summer, 2022
Kimberly McArthur (Facilitator) (Southwestern), Allison Shutt (Hendrix), Alison Miller (Sewanee), Kimberly Maslin (Hendrix), and Bill Storey (Millsaps)
Working Group: Creating a Mentoring Network for Mid-career and Senior Biochemistry Faculty
Summer, 2022
Maha Zewail-Foote (Co-Facilitator) (Southwestern), Corina Maeder (Co-Facilitator) (Trinity), Karen Buchmueller (Furman), and Kasandra Riley (Rollins)
Working Group: Diversity Includes Disability
Summer, 2022
Judy Bagley (Facilitator) (Furman), Coreea Allen (Furman), Matt Brown (Sewanee), Melissa Butler (Rhodes), Brian Cusato (Centre), Bethann Durlin (Rollins), Bellee Jones-Pierce (Centenary), and Spencer Scruggs (Trinity)
Working Group: Inclusive Assessment Practices for Flexibility, Rigor, and Equity
Summer, 2022
Libby Gruner (Facilitator) (Richmond), Erika Berroth (Southwestern), Nisha Gupta (Centre), Kylie Korsnack (Richmond), and Nicole Maurantonio (Richmond)
- Working Group Outcomes
- Inclusive Assessment Quick Start Guide
- Inclusive Assessment Annotated Resource List
Working Group: Mentoring and Supporting Contingent Faculty
Summer, 2022
Jana Mathews (Rollins), Lucy Littler (Rollins), and Andrew Rippeon (Davidson)
Workshop: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Routes and Resources
Summer, 2022
Toni Jaudon (Facilitator) (Hendrix), Rachel Newcomb (Rollins), Susanna Weygandt (Sewanee), Heidi Syler (Sewanee), Molly Brookfield (Sewanee) and Leslie Zorwick (Hendrix).
Working Group: Writing Accountability Group
Summer, 2022
Nancy Chick (Facilitator) (Rollins) with 40 participants
Project: Efficacy of Authentic Assessments Project
October, 2021 to September, 2022
KatieAnn Skogsberg (Project Lead) (Centre), Sabrina Grondhuis (Millsaps), Greta Valenti (BSC), Jimmeka Guillory Wright (Spelman), Karen Brakke (Spelman), Maureen Murov (Centenary), Stan Rauh (Hendrix) and Yan Xu (Spelman)
Efficacy of Authentic Assessments Project Resources Page
Project: Participatory History and Archiving
Summer, 2021 to Summer, 2022
Woody Register (Project Lead) (Sewanee), Alexandra Byrum (Richmond), Andrew Patrick (Centre), Hannah Ewing (Rollins), Jeffrey Shenton (Centre), Laura Browder (Richmond), Lynn Rainville (WLU), Patricia Herrera (Richmond), Rachel Walton (Rollins), Shan-Estelle Brown (Rollins) and Tiffany Momon (Sewanee)
Project: Community-Engaged Teaching: A Collaborative Peer Learning Model
Summer, 2021 to Summer, 2022
Sascha Goluboff (Project Lead) (WLU), Sarah Brackmann (Southwestern)and participants
Project: Developing an ACS Mid-Career Advancement Pathways Program (ACS
Summer, 2021 to Summer, 2022
Diane E. Boyd (Project Lead) (Furman), Fuji Lozada (Davidson), Katherine Troyer (Trinity), Linda M. Boland (Richmond), Nancy Chick (Rollins) and Paul Hanstedt (WLU)
Project: The Deliberative Pedagogy (DeeP) Collaborative: Integrating
Democratic Deliberation into the Classroom
Summer, 2021 to Summer 2022
Graham Bullock (Project Lead) (Davidson), Daniel Layman (Project Lead) (Davidson), Luis Gonzalez-Barrios (Spelman), Rachel Pang (Davidson), Melissa Gonzalez (Davidson), Camille Lewis (Furman), Joshua Yesnowitz (Davidson), Kata Chillag (Davidson), Nathan Nobis (Morehouse), Kyra Kietrys (Davidson), Robert Vander Poppen (Rollins), Caleb Stroup (Davidson), Emily Sydnor (Southwestern), Greg Snyder (Davidson) and Jessica Worl (Davidson)
Deliberative Pedagogy (DeeP) Collaborative Member Blog Posts:
- Luis Gonzalez-Barrios – “Seeing Many More Angles than Usual:’ Deliberative Pedagogy in a Spanish Course on Feminism, Democracy, and Utopia”
- Rachel Pang – “Student-Driven, Curiosity-Focused Deliberation in a Chinese Religions Course”
- Melissa Gonzalez – “Deliberation across Disciplines: Lessons from a Course in Gender and Sexuality Studies”
- Camille Lewis – “From the Big Picture to Micro-Deliberations: Argumentation Meets Deliberative Pedagogy”
- Joshua Yesnowitz – “Writing Deliberatively”
- Kata Chillag – “Conversations about Cases: Integrating Deliberation into a Public Health Ethics Seminar”
- Nathan Nobis – “A “Fair and Balanced” Approach to Deliberation in a Philosophical Ethics Course”
- Kyra Kietrys – “Deliberating about Collective Memory in a Hispanic Studies Course on the Comics and Graphic Novels of Spain”
- Robert Vander Poppen – “Saving the Republic: Re-Enacting and Learning from a Key Deliberative Moment in Roman History”
- Caleb Stroup – “Mapping Arguments and Weighing Values in an Economics Seminar”
- Emily Sydnor – “Psyching Ourselves Out: Applying Political Psychology to Deliberative Discussion”
- Greg Snyder – “What does the Bible Say?” Deliberating Across Difference in a Course on the Bible and Modern Moral Issues
- Jessica Worl – “The Political Classroom in Practice: Roleplaying Deliberations in a Political Ecology Course”
Working Group: A Post-COVID Look at Study Abroad: Sustainability and Global Experience
Summer, 2021
Ellen Sayles (Facilitator) (Richmond), Anne-Marie Bruner-Tracey (Centenary), Lori Harmann (Centre), Anne Ledvina (BSC) and Naomi Otterness (Davidson)
Working Group: “Decolonizing” the Curriculum: Tensions, Trends and Tools
Summer, 2021
Betsy Sandlin (Co-Facilitator) (Sewanee), Kent Andersen (Co-Facilitator) (BSC), Diane Boyd (Furman), Nancy Chick (Rollins), Emily Puckette (Sewanee), Stephanie Rolph (Millsaps), Elisabeth Gruner (Richmond), and Amy Cotrill (BSC)
Working Group: Enhancing the First-Year Experience
Summer, 2021
Dana Bekurs (Facilitator) (BCS), Jennifer Leach (Southwestern), Jennifer Mathews (Sewanee), Jason Rodocker (WLU), Tiffany Norris (BSC), Andrew Gurka (Richmond), Ashley Kistler (Rollins), and Brad Harmon (Furman)
Working Group: Fostering a Sense of Belonging in the Classroom
Summer, 2021
Carlos Hurtado (Facilitator) (Richmond), Kylie Korsnack (Richmond), Brandon Ng (Richmond), Jory Brinkerhoff (Richmond), Eva Cadavid (Centre), Layne Gordon (Rollins), Brittani Sahm (Rollins), and Zeynep Teymuroglu (Rollins)
We hope that facilitators at ACS institutions will continue to develop topics, activities, and resources to add to this. Our focus was on students in the classroom. Still we discussed the importance of students in majors, the institution itself, and the faculty and staff at the institution. Moreover, our list of practical activities can be complemented. We also could extend the topics covered, for example, to develop more on the sense of belonging within the institution. Finally, the proposal of assessment tools for instructors could be extended to include more quantitative options. Our proposal is only the beginning for what could be used as a starting point for future development.
Working Group: Leveraging Digital Pedagogies to Energize Learning
Summer, 2021
Michael Marsh-Soloway (Facilitator) (Richmond), Vincent Gawronski (BSC), Elizabeth Pettinaroli (Rhodes), Martin Sulzer-Reichel (Richmond), Claudia Ferman (Richmond), Hannah Huber (Sewanee), and Olivier Delers (Richmond)
Working Group: Preparing Department/Program Chairs
Summer, 2021
Anne Stone (Facilitator) (Rollins), Stephanie Hansard (BSC), Joanna Wares (Richmond), MacKenzie Moon Ryan (Rollins), Valerie Renegar (Southwestern), Jeff Carlson (Richmond), and Mike Gesinski (Southwestern)
Working Group: Rethinking Advising for Non-traditional Students
Summer, 2021
Beth Ann Howard (Facilitator) (Richmond), Gretchen Flynn Morris (Richmond), Amber Taylor (Rollins), Debbie Tatum (Rollins), Teresa Cole (Rollins), and Susan Montgomery (Rollins)
Working Group: Writing Accountability Groups
Summer, 2021
Nancy Chick (Facilitator) (Rollins), Tara Strauch (Facilitator) (Centre), Ellen Barnett (Trinity), Katie Ann Skogsberg (Centre), Kara Wunderlich (Rollins), Centdrika Hurt (BSC), Linda Boland (Richmond), Mei Li Inouye (Centre), Maude Keely Sutton (BCS), Blake Robinson (Rollins), Kip Kiefer (Rollins), Kati Curts (Sewanee), Elizabeth Wiener (Sewanee), Kiyona Brewster (Centre), Kimberly Dennis, (Rollins), Courtney Hatch (Hendrix), Delphia Shanks (Hendrix), MacKenzie Moon Ryan (Rollins), Juan Guevara Pinto (Rollins), Stephanie Hansard (BSC), Matt Nichter (Rollins), and Jason Heaton (BSC)
Workshop: Syllabus Design: Crafting More Inclusive Learning-centered Syllabi
August 4, 2021
Facilitated by Kent Andersen (Birmingham–Southern College), Barbara Lom (Davidson), Kerry Paumi (Centre), and Betsy Sandlin (Sewanee)
Workshop: Developing as a Department Chair: Cultivating an Academic Leadership Mindset
July 27, 2021
Facilitated by Lisa Jasinski (Trinity), Duane Colthorp (Trinity), Jana Mathews (Rollins), and Hilton Kelly (Davidson)
Workshop: Nature Therapy: Tending to Educators’ Well-being
July 1, 2021
Facilitated by Ellen Barnett (Trinity), Courtney Crim (Trinity), Laura Allen (Trinity), and Aaron Godlaski (Centre)
Workshop: Adventures in Triage: Pandemic Lessons for Robust and Flexible Course Design in the Natural Sciences (and Beyond)
June 23, 2021
Facilitated by Kimberly McArthur (Southwestern), Katie Ann Skogsberg (Centre), and Andrew Bell (Richmond)
Project: (CREATE) Conversation-Rich Education for Anti-Racist Teaching/Learning Environments
Fall, 2020 to Winter, 2021
Facilitated by Diane Boyd (Lead) (Furman), Amy Jasperson (Rhodes), Michael Jennings (Furman), Justin Rose (Rhodes), Betsy A. Sandlin (Sewanee), Claire Strom (Rollins) and Kristie Williams (BSC).
Virtual Convocation: Road Scars: Roadside Car Crash Shrines and Cultural Trauma
Oct 6, 2020
Dr. Robert Bednar (Southwestern)
Virtual Convocation: Dismantling the Diorama: Public Memory, Confederate Statuary, and Remembering Forgotten Pasts
Sep 29, 2020
Dr. Nicole Maurantonio (Richmond)
Workshop: Engaging Second Language Students through Interactive and Student Presentations, Close Readings/Viewings, and Interactions with Native Peers in the Online Classroom
July 28, 2020
Facilitated by Genny Ballard (Centre), Florin Beschea (Davidson), Mark Preslar (Sewanee) and Susanna Weygandt (Sewanee)
Workshop: Designing Student-Centered Class Activities for Blended Synchronous Equation-Based Courses
July 23, 2020
Facilitated by Andrew Bell (Richmond) and Carol Ann Downes (Hendrix)
Workshop: Near, Far, Wherever You Are: Models for Building Community in the “New” First-Year Experience
July 22, 2020
Facilitated by Peter Gess (Hendrix), Michael Hughes (Trinity), Cathy Jellenik (Hendrix) and Katherine Troyer (Trinity)
Workshop: Ready When You Are: Flexible Delivery and Excellent Pedagogy in Blended Delivery, Active Learning Classes
July 21, 2020
Facilitated by Ryan Brazell (Richmond), Kylie Korsnack (Richmond), Kimberly McArthur (Southwestern) and Julie Sievers (Southwestern)
Workshop: Strategies for Teaching and Learning Online and Hybrid Environments Backed by Cognitive Science Research
July 20, 2020
Facilitated by Jessica Alexander (Centenary) and Jennifer Queen (Rollins)
Workshop: STE(ngage)M: Adapting the Case Study Method through Universal Design for Learning
July 17, 2020
Facilitated by Ellen Barnett (Trinity), Jonathan King (Trinity), Aditi Pai (Spelman) and Katie Troyer (Trinity)
Workshop: Remote Summative Assessment In Equation-based Courses: If They Can Look Up the Answer, How Do We Know They Learned It?
July 9, 2020
Facilitated by Megan Leonard (Hendrix), Prayat Poudel (Centre) and Todd Tinsley (Hendrix)
Workshop:Technologies, Pedagogies, and Best Practices for Teaching Chinese Online: A Workshop for ACS Chinese Language and Content Course Instructors
July 8, 2020
Facilitated by Zhengbin “Richard” Lu (Spelman), Hongchu Fu (Washington and Lee), Carl Robertson (Southwestern) and Li Wei (Rollins)
Workshop: Making Learner-Centered and Inclusive Pedagogical Choices for an Unpredictable Fall Term
June 29, 2020
Facilitated by Kent Andersen (Birmingham-Southern), Barbara Lom (Davidson), Kerry Paumi (Centre) and Betsy Sandlin (Sewanee)
Workshop: Purposeful Planning for the Distinctive Learning Experiences of Small, Residential Liberal Arts Colleges
June 24, 2020
Facilitated by Nancy Chick (Rollins), Kent Andersen (Birmingham-Southern), Betsy Sandlin (Sewanee), Stephanie Rolph (Millsaps) and Linda Boland (Richmond)
Working Group: Adapting Pandemic Pedagogies in the Performing and Collaborative Arts
Summer, 2020
Jennifer Goff (Centre), Peter Friedrich (Millsaps), John Marshall (Sewanee), Jennifer Matthews (Sewanee), Laura Perkins (Rhodes), Jason Rosenberg (Sewanee), & Robert Seebacher (Centre)
Working Group: Choral, Instrumental, and Vocal Pedagogy
Summer, 2020
Johann Van Niekerk (Centre), Shane Lynch (Washington & Lee), Cory Wikan (Centenary), Tiffany Lu (Sewanee), John Sinclair (Rollins), Johathan Trotter (Millsaps) & Prakash Wright (Sewanee)
Working Group: Culture, Critique and Context: Building Remote Communities of Learning through Intentional Inclusive Practice
Summer, 2020
Monique Earl-Lewis (Morehouse), Adria Welcher (Morehouse), Samuel Livingston (Morehouse), Corrie Claiborne (Morehouse), Sulayman Clark (Morehouse), Clarissa Myrick-Harris (Morehouse), Kipton Jensen (Morehouse), & Toni Jaudon (Hendrix)
Working Group: Curating Connection: The Modified Tutorial Model and Other Opportunities for Small-Group Mentorship
Summer, 2020
Erin Hoover (Hendrix), Hope Coulter (Hendrix), Mark Hopwood (Sewanee), & Stephanie Batkie (Sewanee)
Working Group: Engaging (Outside) Communities in the Remote Classroom
Summer, 2020
Kimberly Kasper (Rhodes), Joy Brooke Fairfield (Rhodes), Shaolu Yu (Rhodes), Tom Bremer (Rhodes), Laura Browder (Richmond), Sharon Green (Davidson), Amy Hammond (Centenary), Patricia Herrera (Richmond), Yinishi Lerman-Tan (Trinity), Andrew Patrick (Centre), & Kaelyn Wiles (Centre)
Engaging (Outside) Communities in the Remote Classroom Final Report
Working Group: Impactful and Effective Preparation of Teacher Candidates during COVID-19: Instruction, Assessment, and Virtual Placements
Summer, 2020
Nicole Taylor (Spelman), Khalilah Ali (Spelman), Richard Benson (Spelman), Valeisha Ellis (Spelman), Andrea Lewis (Spelman), Chatee O. Richardson (Spelman), Michael Kamen (Southwestern), & Alicia Moore (Southwestern)
Working Group: Inclusive Pedagogies for Remote and Blended First-year Seminar Courses
Summer, 2020
Erika Berroth (Southwestern), Julie Sievers (Southwestern), Sasha Pfau (Hendrix), John Krebs (Hendrix), & Maureen McClung (Hendrix)
Working Group: Mathematics and Data Science Resources to Support Societally Relevant Teaching in the Time of COVID-19
Summer, 2020
Joanna Wares (Richmond), Zeynep Teymuroglu (Rollins), Marcella Torres (Richmond), Cabral Balreira (Trinity), Casey Hawthorne (Furman), & Grace Stadnyk (Furman)
Working Group: Online Undergraduate Cell Biology Lab Working Group
Summer, 2020
Triscia Hendrickson (Morehouse), Mark Lee (Spelman), Pamela Hanson (Furman), Elise Kikis, Jonathan King (Trinity), Centdrika Hurt (Birmingham-Southern), Rebecca Murphy (Centenary), & Laura MacDonald (Hendrix)
Working Group: Relationship-driven Peer Tutoring in the Age of Covid-19: How Faculty and Peer Tutors Can Work Together to Bridge Hierarchical Gaps Between Faculty and Students and Facilitate Student Engagement
Summer, 2020
Jennifer Rowe (Trinity), Jessica Reyes (Trinity), Luke Tunstall (Trinity), Jennifer Bartlett (Trinity), Shireen Campbell (Davidson), Felipe Pruneda-Senties (Hendrix), & Jean Schwab (Furman)
Working Group: Socially Distanced but High Impact: Exploring Small Group Discussions & Other Highly Interactive Activities in Socially Distanced F2F Environments During a Time of Pandemics
Summer, 2020
Rachel Newcomb (Rollins), Laurian Bowles (Davidson), Amy Jasperson (Rhodes), Shana Minkin (Sewanee), Matthew Irvin (Sewanee), & Corinna Kahnke (Sewanee)
Working Group: Vulnerable People(s) and COVID-19
Summer, 2020
Margaret McLaren (Rollins), Shan-Estelle Brown (Rollins), Chelsea Ebin, Dawn Roe (Rollins), Nolan Kline (Rollins), & Sarah Parsloe (Rollins)
Project: Regional Faculty Development through Active Learning Design
January, 2020 to January, 2021
Kerry A. Paumi (Project Lead) (Centre) and Kent Andersen (BSC)
Project: ACS Dance Consortium
Summer, 2019 to Summer, 2020
Jenefer Davies (Project Lead) (WLU), Alison Bory (Davidson), Anne Van Gelder (Richmond), Courtney World (Sewanee), Kathleen Wessel (Spelman) and Robin Gerchman (Rollins)
Project: Teaching Social Justice in Mathematics
January, 2019 to January, 2020
Viveka Brown (Project Lead) (Spelman), Nathan Alexander (Morehouse) and Zeynep Teymuroglu (Rollins)
Project: Pathways to Diversity: Curating our Collection
January, 2019 to January, 2020
Carrie Frey (Project Lead) (Furman), Amy Frederick (Centre), Beth Morgan (Centre),
Jeff Makala (Furman), Rachel Walton (Rollins) and Sydney Bufkin (WLU)
Project: Pre-Chemistry Tutorial System
Fall and Winter, 2019
Kyle Friend (Lead) (WLU), Sara Sprenkle (Lead) (WLU), Brian Mosby (Rollins), Darlene Loprete (Rhodes), Janice Friend (WLU), Kasandra Riley (Rollins), Kate Hayden (BSC) and Steve Desjardins (WLU)
Project: Africana Music Experiential Pedagogy (AMEP)
Spring and Fall, 2019
Uzee Brown (Project Lead) (Morehouse), Aaron Carter-Ényì (Morehouse), Timothy Miller (Morehouse) & David Morrow (Morehouse)
Project: Science, Society and the Archives
Spring, 2019
Kelly J. Whitmer (Project Lead) (Sewanee), DebbieLee Landi (Davidson), John Quinn (Furman), Nicolaas Rupke (WLU), Sarah Naramore (Sewanee), Kati Curts (Sewanee), Roger Levine (Sewanee), James Sponsel (Davidson), Cara Evanson (Davidson) and Jeffrey Makala (Furman)
Project: ACS Global Learning Abroad Module
Fall 2018 to Spring 2020
Anne Ledvina (Project Lead) (BSC), Barron Boyd (Rhodes), Ellen Sayles (Richmond),
Erin Hills (Rhodes), Nancy Georgiev (Furman), Naomi Otterness (Davidson), Peter Gess (Hendrix) and Scott Wilson (Sewanee)
- ACS Global Learning Abroad Module
- ACS Global Learning Abroad Goal Assessment Rubric
- ACS Global Learning Abroad Module Final Report
Project: Supporting Diversity and Inclusion in Mathematics and STEM Disciplines
Fall 2018 to Fall 2019
Joel Kilty (Project Lead) (Centre), Alex M. McAllister (Centre) and Alison Marr (Southwestern)
- Supporting Diversity and Inclusion Final Report
- Re-envisioning the Calculus Sequence
- Leading Curricular Change: A Case Study in Re-envisioning the Calculus Sequence
- Cohort Meetings with Mentor
- A Guiding and Informing Tale for Re-envisioning STEM Courses
Project: Studies of Slavery and Its Legacies
Fall 2018 to Winter 2019
Scott Wilson (Project Lead) (Sewanee), Fredrick Knight (Morehouse), Julius Coles (Morehouse), Woody Register (Sewanee), ‘Dimeji Togunde (Spelman) and Al-Yasha Williams (Spelman)
Project: Pathways to Diversity: Uncovering our Collections
Fall 2018
Carrie Frey (Project Lead) (Centre), Amy Fredrick (Centre), Andrea Abrams (Centre), Beth Morgan (Centre), Brandon Inabinet (Furman), Mackenzie Brooks (WLU), Tom Camden (WLU), Candace Wentz (Centre), Christy Allen (Furman), Courtney Tollison (Furman), Claire Strom (Rollins), Dawn Roe (Rollins), Jeff Makala (Furman), Jonathan Harwell (Rollins), Matt Nichter (Rollins), Ricardo Wilson (WLU), Rachel Walton (Rollins),
Sara Egge (Centre), Tara Strauch (Centre), Lesley Wheeler (WLU), James Bloom (Centre), Julian Chambliss (Rollins), Stan Campbell (Centre) and Sydney Bufkin (WLU)
- Pathways to Diversity: Uncovering our Collections Final Report
- Uncovering our Collections: Pathways to Diversity Annotated Bibliography
Project: Inclusive Pedagogy for Library Instruction
Summer 2018 to January 2019
Andrea Wright (Project Lead) (Furman), Laura Baker (Project Lead) (Furman), Libby Young (Project Lead)(Furman), Amanda Sprott-Goldson (Sewanee), Dasha Maye (Davidson), DebbieLee Landi (Davidson), Heidi Syler (Sewanee), James Sponsel (Furman), Lucretia McCulley (Richmond), Mary Abdoney (WLU), Pam Sawallis (BSC), Sara Swanson & Dasha Maye (Davidson)
Project: Faculty of Color Uniting for Success (FOCUS)
Spring 2018 to Summer, 2020
Alicia Moore (Project Lead, Year One) (Southwestern), Dionne B. Jackson (Project Lead, Year Two) (Hendrix), Felipe Pruneda Senties (Project Lead, Year Two) (Hendrix), Anita M. DeRouen (Project Lead, Year Three) (Millsaps), Julie Sievers (Southwestern), Garbiñe Vidal-Torreira (Hendrix), Louwanda Evans (Millsaps), Anita DeRouen (Millsaps), Brenda Sendejo (Southwestern), Julie Sievers (Southwestern) and Larkin Tom (Southwestern)
- FOCUS Project Website
- FOCUS Facilitators Bios
- FOCUS Suggested Reading List
- FOCUS Year One Report
- FOCUS Year Two Report
Project: Microaggressions and Microaffirmations
Spring 2018 to Winter 2019
Michael Miyawaki (Project Lead) (Hendrix)
- Microaggressions and Microaffirmations Final Report
- Microaggressions and Microaffirmations Project Website
Project: Cultures of the Ancient Mediterranean
Spring 2018 to Fall 2019
Kenneth Scott Morrell (Project Lead) (Rhodes), Halford W. Haskell (Southwestern), Holly M. Sypniewski (Millsaps), Lindsay Samson (Spelman) and Mary Hamil Gilbert (BSC)
Project: Campus Space and Rhetorics of Race
Fall 2017 to Winter 2018
Brandon Inabinet (Project Lead) (Furman), Nicole Maurantonio (Richmond), Robert Nelson (Richmond), Jean Schwab (Furman), Jeffrey Makala (Furman), Lauren Craig Tilton (Richmond)
Project: Increasing Diversity in the Stem Pipeline
Summer 2017 to Summer 2018
Shanina Sanders Johnson (Project Lead) (Spelman), LaKesha Stevenson Nelson (Spelman), Felicia Fullilove (Spelman), Michael R. Gesinski (Southwestern), Jennifer Barber (Spelman), Jennifer L. Muzyka (Centre), Joshua Lawrence (Centenary), Joe Workman (Centre), Kerry Paumi (Centre), Laurel Habgood (Rollins), Leyte Winfield (Spelman), Marilyn Wooten (Trinity), Rongson Pongdee (Sewanee), Kristina Stensaas (Millsaps), Carmen L. Velez (Southwestern) and Valerie Taylor (Spelman)