ACS Summer Teaching and Learning Workshop Nominations Summer T&L Workshop Nomination Form Select your institution * Birmingham-Southern CollegeCentre CollegeCentenary CollegeDavidson CollegeFurman UniversityHendrix CollegeMillsaps CollegeMorehouse CollegeRhodes CollegeRollins CollegeSewanee: The University of the SouthSouthwestern UniversitySpelman CollegeTrinity UniversityUniversity of RichmondWashington and Lee University Nominator's name * You must be an Academic Dean or Provost (or equivalent) to submit a recommendation Nominator's email * Nominator's assistant's name Nominator's assistants's email Comments or special instructions Nominee 1 - Your first nominee is guaranteed a position. Nominee 1 First Name * Nominee 1 Last Name * Nominee 1 Department * Nominee 1 Title Nominee 1 Office Address * Enter a campus address, such as a box number or building name/department name and office number. We will fill in the rest of the campus address. Nominee 1 Telephone Number Nominee 1 Email Address Nominee 2 - Additional nominees will be offered a position if space is available in order of nomination Nominee 2 First Name Nominee 2 Last Name Nominee 2 Department Nominee 2 Title Nominee 2 Office Address Enter a campus address, such as a box number or building name/department name and office number. We will fill in the rest of the campus address. Nominee 2 Telephone Number Nominee 2 Email Address Nominee 3 - Additional nominees will be offered a position if space is available, in order of nomination Nominee 3 First Name Nominee 3 Last Name Nominee 3 Department Nominee 3 Title Nominee 3 Office Address Enter a campus address, such as a box number or building name/department name and office number. We will fill in the rest of the campus address. Nominee 3 Telephone Number Nominee 3 Email Address If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ