Professional Development

Welcome to the The Associated Colleges of the South events calendar.

ACS Teaching and Learning Workshop

In small groups facilitated by faculty from across the ACS, participants receive feedback on their classroom instructional strategies through a process called microteaching. Microteaching provides detailed and actionable feedback about learner experiences. In addition, plenary sessions cover a variety of current teaching and learning topics and provide opportunities to problem solve in collaboration with others.

Chocolate Covered Teaching: Using commodity-based goods to foster critical thinking skills in undergraduates

This chocolate workshop is aimed at faculty across disciplines who use – or want to consider using – chocolate and other “affordable luxuries” as an approach for teaching curricular materials, especially at introductory levels. Faculty will explore and create curricular materials that both support and integrate the natural sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Neuroscience), the social […]

ACS Teaching and Learning Workshop

This annual program focuses on individualized instruction, often for early career faculty, for teachers explicitly seeking to develop classroom style and techniques for increasing their classroom effectiveness. The workshop is led by a consistent set of teaching and learning coaches from ACS schools who have built, refined and continuously innovated the curriculum and their own […]